Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Modern Day Nomad

I have been a nomad for the past few years, seemingly lost in an unfamiliar territory. I hauled my family from one place to another trying to follow the end of the rainbow in hopes of finding the pot of gold. Although with the digital age, the world has become smaller and somehow being a nomad is not as unusual as it was before.

Along with these changes, the family concept has changed as well since the mid-century. I am not your typical Stepford wife. I am in a sub-modern family unit where the father and the mother both goes to work and are in equal footing on their roles in bringing home the bacon and domestic responsibilities. I struggle to raise my kid in an environment very different from what I was raised in. So everyday I juggle between trying to keep her true to her ethnicity and make her blend well in the culture that she has grown accustomed to. 

So many thoughts run through my head on trying to understand human nature in general. But the fact that I have been transported to practically uncharted waters and the realization of the differences in cultures in the world is something of an adventure in itself.

I think that those thoughts, and my love for writing in general is worth writing a blog about. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the read.

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